What do Turtle Hatchlings and New Hires have in common?

Turtle Hatchling

Both need guidance to get them on the right track but need to have the space to grow along the way.

 If any of you have ever seen baby turtles hatch on the beach you know it is an awesome sight. I live near the beach in Florida, so this is something I see every now and then on my early morning walk.  You see this little 2-inch turtle struggle to get out of the nest where the eggs were laid.  Only to look up and see that they have a 100-yard crawl to the ocean.  This trip to the ocean may be filled with footprints to fall in, driftwood to dodge, or just seashells and seaweed to navigate. Overhead there are birds looking to have their first meal of the day.

 Your first instinct is to pick them up and carry them to the ocean. But the journey to the ocean is part of their experience.  Their struggle is real but necessary. The trek across the sand helps strengthen their flippers. This impromptu gym session helps them on their swim out to their new home in the ocean. The hatchlings imprint the beach’s magnetic field during their trek. This helps them find their way back to the same beach when it’s time for them to lay their eggs. The sand temperature determines their sex. The trip to the ocean ensures they experience the right temperatures for their gender identity.

 While you are not supposed to touch them. You can still offer your help. Stand guard until they get to the ocean to help keep the birds away.  You could even smooth out any holes or remove any obstacles in their way.  Even giving them words of encouragement couldn’t hurt.

This is much like bringing on a new hire. A new hire’s first day is much like the turtles.  The first day at a new job, while exciting, can also be a little daunting.  All the new people, new procedures to learn, and in general just navigating a new environment.

 We can make their first days and weeks easier by smoothing the path a little. Give them a mentor or buddy to help them navigate the first few weeks. This can help them avoid any simple pitfalls.  Make sure their first tasks are well defined with clear instructions.  Make sure they have the tools they need to get started working right away. Give them some easy wins to build their “muscles.”  

 The first 90 days are the most important time for any new employee.  New employees are going to stumble occasionally. They will need time to learn your companies’ way of doing things. Gentle feedback and encouragement during this time will set the new employee up for long-term success. Managers should give guidance but also allow the new hire time and room to grow into their role. This gives the employee time to find their voice and space in your company in a safe way.

 So, the next time you see me at the beach talking to a baby turtle, now you know why!  We all must struggle a little to find our way, but a little encouragement never hurts!

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