The Myth About Work
The Myth About Work
Work harder, go farther…
Many entrepreneurs take this statement to the extreme. If you think hard work is the secret to success, then every sweat shop worker pulling hundred-hour weeks in a factory should be successful.
Don’t get me wrong, building a business is hard work. But don’t work so hard building the dream that you burn out the dream. Make sure that while working to build the dream you take a break every now and then. Take some time away from the hustle to rest and rejuvenate yourself.
I am learning to take my own advice. I am one of those people that feels like I must use my time productively. If I am not working on my business, I need to be doing something productive. Taking a class, reading a self-improvement book, in general I need to be learning something or improving in some way all the time. Until recently I have always worked when I was on vacation. I joked on my last trip that it was the first time ever that I didn’t have to process a payroll while on vacation.
While my mind doesn’t ever shut down completely, I am learning to be more present where I am. I keep a notebook handy to write down Ideas when they come to me so I can work on them later. I have rediscovered some of my favorite fiction authors and I take an early morning walk on the beach with nothing but the sound of the waves. I am learning simple ways to rejuvenate myself everyday so that I can show up for my business more refreshed and focused.
My word for 2025 is Focused. I am focused on building my business. I am focused on spending time with my family and friends. I am focused on preserving my health and wellbeing. I am focused on being present.
What myths about work are you carrying around?
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