New Year - New Goals? Of Same old Story?
New Year, New Goals? Or Same Old Story?
Did you know that 43% of people who set New Year's goals abandon them by January 30th? Why? Because too often, we set goals without truly understanding why they matter.
Setting goals is more than checking a box—it’s about purpose and direction. If you don’t know why a goal is important, you’ll struggle to follow through when motivation fades.
✅ Here’s how to set meaningful goals that stick:
1️⃣ Keep it simple: Focus on no more than 3 goals. Too many goals dilute your focus and energy.
2️⃣ Understand the why: Ask yourself, “Why does this goal matter? What impact will it have on my life, my team, or my organization?”
3️⃣ Include a stretch goal: Push yourself with one goal that feels a little ambitious. Stretch goals keep you challenged and growing.
For leaders, effective goal-setting isn’t just about tasks—it’s about connecting actions to purpose. When your “why” is clear, commitment becomes easier.
What’s one goal you’re setting this year, and why is it important to you? Drop it in the comments and let’s make it happen together!
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